Handle all of your business banking in a single solution, whether it’s as small as checking balances or as big as making a loan payment. Work with your loan officer or personal banker for the perfect IB Cash Management plan for your business. 



How to Enroll

What is Cash Management?

Cash Management is a way an organization manages their financial operations such as investing of revenues, payment of expenses and liabilities while ensuring it has sufficent funds available for future use.

What is offered through our Cash Management?
  • Nacha File Import:  Import Credit/Debit Batches to Central Bank through your own software.
  • Credit Batch: Process ACH credit batches using Central Bank's website
  • Debit Batch: Process ACH debit batches using Central Bank's website
  • EFTPS: Electronic Federal Tax Payments
  • Wire Transfers: Submit Wire Transfers
  • Remote Deposit Capture: Allows buinesses to make check deposits from their business with a scanner provided to them. 

Interested in our Cash Management Services or have questions? Please reach out to your Personal Banker to begin the process. 

2022 CM Best Practices

Remote Deposit Capture

What is Remote Deposit Capture?

Remote Deposit Capture is our service that allows business customers to make check deposits from a remote location without having to deliver checks to the bank. 

Ask yourself these questions...

  • Do you need funds deposited faster?
  • Need to make a deposit after bank hours?
  • Need to save time preparing deposits for drop off?

If you have questions regarding Remote Deposit Capture, please contact your peronal banker for more information. 

2022 RDC Best Practices


The wire service allows you to move funds from your Central Bank account to another account at another instutution.

To Request Wire Capability

To request a wire you must reach out to your Personal Banker or personal contact for your Cash Management Representative.

Submitting a Wire

Wires can be submitted only on a Central Bank Business Day. Domestic Wires, they  are processed the same day as the day they are submitted. To make sure your wire gets processed same day, enter your request into the system by our Wire Cut Off Time (2:00pm). You can also receive email confirmation once your wire is approved. 

Important: Both Domestic and international wires send/display funds in US dollars. other currencies are not available. 

Single Wires
  • A one-time wire that electronically sends funds domestically
Repetitive Wire
  • Create a template for your reoccurring wire with a submit date. If your submit date falls on a non-business day, we will schedule the transfers for the prior business day. 

Feature Updates

Processing a Credit Batch

Importing a NACHA File

Debit Batch Creation


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